RY Subsoiler series enable fast and quality work up to a depth of 65cm and a width of 2.5m to 5m. Suitable for tractors of 130 to 500 PS. The soil is being raised and when it drops back it cracks. Through that procedure the soil loosens up and this process takes part in all soil layers. At the same time, clods are crushed ultimately, while the surface is being recompacted.
The aggressive positioning and the shape of the shanks is resulting in very effortless penetration. Shanks are distributed over two rows, while the overload protection occurs by means of shear bolts. Those hear bolts are situated on the top part of each shank, which helps in the effortless replacement of them. The distance between shanks can be adjusted infinitely from 25-45 cm. The life expectancy of each shank is very high, because they are made of special wear resistant steel. Shanks are equipped with long-lasting reversible cultivator blades and quick hitch rotavator Blades. 2 prop stands areresponsible for easy and user-friendly storage.
- 3 point hitch
- Rigid Frame 120x120x10 mm
- Up to 65 cm working depth
- Shear bolt protection against overload
- Shanks made off wear resistant steel
- Parking prop stands for safe storage
- Rotovator blades, on both sides of each shank
- Quick hitch, reversible, cultivator blades
Rotavator blades on both sides of each shank
Shanks made of wear resistant steel
Quick hitch, reversible, cultivator blades hitch, reversible, cultivator blades